How Are You Feeling? Read what you really need right now.
Dating: It's Hard Out There
What is breadcrumbing
two woman sitting down; one of them is helping her friend through a breakup
A magnifying glass looking for signs of Emotional abuse
a barista writing depression on a coffee cup indicating the person has high-functioning depression
Is High-Functioning Depression for Real?
Getting shit done while dead inside? Welcome.
Keep Reading
Here’s Why You Might Feel Lonely Even When You’re Not Alone
Why do I feel lonely even in a crowd of people
Glimmers Might Be Your New Favorite Mental Health Hack
Glimmers in a tree
Why You Feel Blue/Meh/Blah After Doing Something Exciting
Deflated balloon
The Difference Between Obsessions and Compulsions
icons symbolizing common compulsions like a stove knob, a light switch, and a lock