Surprise! 2024 is going to be a hell of a year. Overall, the vibes are very much: Here’s how much you’ve grown and changed and also here’s what’s coming next. Who doesn’t love that positive momentum? Still, your 2024 horoscope is not without some annoying but necessary challenges that warrant major self-care.
For starters, we’ve got four life-changing eclipses in the spring and fall. These astrological events enable us to align with our goals and help us work toward achieving the major milestones that are so important to us. Sounds great and all, but you should know that eclipses work like chaos monsters, shaking up our lives in a way that enables us to break out of unhelpful patterns (even if those bad habits are comfortable in the short term). These 2024 eclipses, which happen in relationship-focused Libra and individualistic Aries, as well as introspective Virgo and intuitive Pisces, will have you thinking a lot about how much you’re willing to give others at the expense of yourself (read: setting boundaries).
Like every other year in the history of years, 2024 will include Mercury retrogrades—three to be exact. These transits happen when Mercury (the planet that rules communication, thinking, and traveling from point A to B) appears to be moving backward through the solar system (it’s an optical illusion). As you might’ve heard, they’re famous for wrecking technology, travel, and communication in general. Those messy moments—which will happen in the spring, late summer, and late fall—are a great time to get focused on slowing down, sitting with your feelings, and keeping an eye on the way you speak to people (including yourself!).
Another planetary backtrack that’s bound to impact our feels is the Mars retrograde, which kicks off in December 2024. Mars oversees desire, drive, anger, and sex. Because this retrograde is happening in the sign of Leo, the sign associated with expression, stability, loyalty, strength, and pride, we might struggle to express emotions like anger or move on from situations or people that are holding us back.
These aren’t the only transits happening over the next year, but they’re some of the most likely to impact our mental and emotional status. Thing is, all of these transits can impact us in different ways. Some of us might finally be ready to release jobs, relationships, or goals that aren’t working anymore while others will be driven to achieve something new. You might even experience both of those feelings at once!
The way that all these planets impact you depends on your birth chart—or a literal map of where the planets were in relation to the place you were born at the time of your birth. So, I’ve put together some insights for what’s in store next year for each astrological sign. Feel free to read up on either your sun sign or your rising sign since both can impact the way these transits affect you. Plus, I’ll explain how you can take care of yourself during this next trip around the sun. Below, find the self-care specific to your 2024.
With the North node transiting through your sun sign, you’re bound to bank some wins in many areas of your life. In April, the eclipse will amplify those take-on-the-world vibes (even if it feels a little messy). The caveat is that when Mars, the planet that governs Aries, turns retrograde from December 6 to February 23, 2025, you’ll likely feel frustrated while trying to get your point across to others. You might feel like people aren’t listening or that you have to get really assertive. Those situations might even leave you feeling stuck.
To manage the fiery rage that can bubble up amid communication struggles (classic fire sign energy, to be honest), turn to activities that soothe your edginess. Maybe that’s a bubble bath with lavender essential oils and Epsom salt or scream-singing “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version)” in your car. Whatever makes you feel less tense is fair game.
As Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25, you may find that setting boundaries becomes easier, making that your self-care mission for 2024. Take advantage of this newfound confidence by figuring out how to be more assertive or engaging in some healthy confrontation. Those two skills don’t come naturally to your loyal self, but you can use this energy to develop the fine art of saying no. You might just find that taking a pass helps you maintain healthy relationships while prioritizing your own needs.
There’s a lot going on for you this year, Gemini. While Jupiter’s year-long transit through your sun sign starting May 25th boosts your confidence and puts all eyes on you, Saturn and Pieces, which will also pass through your sun, might make you feel judged.
To combat that narrative, spend time journaling the things you like about yourself. These could be personality quirks, professional or personal accomplishments, or anything you feel good about. Definitely make time for this on June 4th, when Venus and the Sun light up your sun sign, making it the perfect moment for self-love. Take a look at that list or add to it anytime you get wrapped up in what others think about you. What matters most is how you feel about yourself. You got this!
As a cardinal sign (astro signs that come at the beginning of a season), you’ve got an innate drive to succeed at whatever you do. And the four eclipses happening this year will motivate you to set your professional goals extra high.
That said, Jupiter transiting your sun sign in July offers the chance to balance out a hustle mentality with lots of rest. Throughout the year, but especially in July, make a point to notice how your body feels. Are you taking care of your basic physical needs? Are you pushing past your physical and mental limits? If so, can you make space to take a break or even a nap? Give it a shot, and you might learn you get further by taking care of yourself than white-knuckling through it.
Your intense dedication to work drives you to find a career you’re emotionally attached to. And the planetary transits at the end of January and in April might have you recalculating your next move to find the perfect job.
It’s not weird if you feel unstabilized or at a loss for how to shift your goals, but you can use Jupiter’s position in Gemini on May 25th to get a little clarity. On that date, and throughout the year, take time to figure out what your values are so you can gain clarity on the best direction for your career. Reflecting on the things that are most important to you can help you live a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. And that’s key to taking care of yourself.
You’re great at appearing agreeable, even if you really, really don’t agree with someone. Sometimes that can be helpful, but it likely makes it tough for you to engage in necessary confrontation.
Unfortunately, Jupiter transitioning into Gemini on May 25th could stir up situations where you need to call out hurtful behavior from people at work or family and friends.
Instead of trying to smooth things over or bottle up your angst, think about how you can address the issue head-on by role-playing those conversations in your mind or enlisting a friend to help you act them out. If things are still tense by September 17th, you can use the vibes of the lunar eclipse to think about what boundaries would make you feel respected. Standing up for yourself is the ultimate self-care.
This year is going to shine a spotlight on your relationships—and maybe not in a fun way. You can thank the four eclipses, especially the two happening in your sign (a lunar eclipse on March 25th and a solar eclipse on October 2nd), for the drama.
For a lot of Libras, 2024 could spark anxiety around relationships (especially romantic ones), and that might be rooted in trauma from the past. Casual, right? Keep an eye out for self-sabotage, overreactions, worrying excessively, or obsessing over social media. Then, make it your mission to grasp a better understanding of what a healthy relationship looks like to you. You can journal about the issues coming up and how you might be responding to relationship conflicts in unhelpful ways. If you’re feeling stuck, enrolling the help of a therapist or couples therapist could be a good move.
When Pluto, your ruling planet, re-enters Aquarius on January 20th, you’ll have the opportunity to heal some deep stuff. Pluto will encourage you to rethink your fundamental beliefs and revisit challenging situations you might’ve been avoiding up until now.
Luckily, Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct (meaning the planets are at the same degree of the same zodiac sign in the sky) on April 20th and may help you find creative solutions you never considered before.
A life overhaul sounds intimidating—and it can be—but leaning into your intuition enables you to identify what and who are good for you. To develop that skill, start by checking in with what you’re feeling and try to sit with whatever comes up. You’ll gain more emotional intelligence which you can use to guide your decisions.
The eclipse on April 8th is bound to shake things up for you, and when Jupiter enters the relationship part of your chart on May 25th, you might start to lose sight of what you need to be happy in a partnership.
To regain focus, try out using positive affirmations that acknowledge just how amazing you are. Positive self-talk can improve your relationship with yourself, build confidence, and shift your outlook on life for the better. Plus, becoming a better friend to yourself can aid your relationships with others too.
Don’t be surprised if the 2024 eclipses force you to focus on finding a balance between work and play. As a Capricorn, you may pride yourself on material success or accomplishing big things at work, but if you’re not careful, burnout will come for you. Use the energy of these eclipses to notice how often you relax and what’s really important to you.
You can start by working a mindfulness exercise into your day. Over time, you’ll get more present and start thinking and acting more intentionally. That could look like shutting down the workday when your brain just isn’t having it anymore or pausing to take a lunch break. Bonus: Learning to be more mindful can keep you from spiraling out about the future or dwelling on the past, freeing up more time to rest.
In 2024, transformative Pluto starts a 20-year journey through your Sun sign, helping you grow in major ways. Because Aquarius is a rebellious, innovative, and creative sign, leaning into new self-care practices you’ve never tried before (and may even be considered a little unconventional) can help you make major developments as a person.
You could try something like energy healing, shadow work, or find your own way to work through your feelings, boost your self-esteem, and appreciate the awesomeness that is you. But don’t overthink it. Listening to a playlist that aligns with your mood or scheduling a mental health day to read that sci-fi book work too. Whatever self-care activity you choose, the goal is to broaden your perspective on life and bring you closer to your true self. Get weird, Aquarius.
2024 is all about your place. Starting in the spring, Jupiter moves into Gemini, giving you a positive outlook on challenging tasks. Then, the Venus star point happening in early June makes it easier to connect with and communicate what you need to feel fulfilled in your life.
For you, that might look like finally organizing that junk drawer, cleaning out your garage, or figuring out the best layout for your living room. Whatever at-home challenge you’re facing, the goal is to tweak your space so that it’s aligned with your values and personal energy. Listen, cleaning out the garage or organizing your closet isn’t always fun, but freeing up your space helps future you be more efficient or just think more clearly while working from home. For more inspo, check out these tips on how to declutter your home for self-care.
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